
Ideas in *Narrative and Genre*

For this project on Narrative and Genre I am using Red Riding Hood as my play of choice as I wanted to carry on my ideas form studying 'Brothers Grimm'. The scene I have chosen to use is set in the forest with the Wolf . We were asked to change the Genre of our chosen play, in which I chose:
  • Film Noir
  • Fantasy
  • Gothic Horror   
  By changing the Genre of the play, the Narrative will have slight changes to it in order to fit in with the Genre, for example props used in a Sci-fi will be different to those used in Gothic Horror etc.

From my research I found that when thinking of the scene set, Gothic horror ties in and can be crossed over with Film Noir as they use the same colour pallette of greys and blacks. My first image drawing I did I found that the idea could be used for both Film Noir and Gothic Horror.
The trees in the image are very creepy and dark which I would need for the forest in the Gothic Horror Genre. I had the idea to make the whole scene black and white for Film Noir, with just the bright red hood costume the character will be wearing as the only colour on the play so she stands out. I watched the film 'Sin City' for reference and found the scenes to be very interesting.

Using only one bit of colour puts all your focus onto that character and shows their importance.
 I think using Film Noir as a Genre, a powerful set could be created with the limited but strong colour pallette. Different lighting could be used if colour is needed at different points in the scene.

Thinking of my Fantasy Genre for my chosen scene, I imagined an overgrown woodland scene with twisted fantasy style trees. For the colour scheme I imagines greens obviously but with purples and yellows, the film that came to mind was the animated movie Fern Gully, for its overgrown rainforest scenery with the colours I first imagined for the Genre.

I did some rough sketches of how the costume could be in Fantasy style, thinking of a sort of 'Elfin' world in mind, still incorporating the red hood of Little red.

From studying the Brothers Grimm stories previously, I had looked into the work of the illustrator for these stories 'Arthur Rackham'. His style was very fantasy-like, with many forests and plants. I thought his work would be relevent to what I am doing now, the first picture I drew of his has a large fallen tree in the path, looking at the shape of the tree and the way it twists is how I imagine the fantasy trees for this Genre. The second of my drawings is of Rackhams illustration of 'Little Red Cap', which I am doing.

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