With the bed for 'Ghost' finished it now needed to be painted. Pat experimented with different wood grains before deciding on one to do, it was to be a dark oaky colour. I could only watch while the wood was being grained as 2 people were already doing it and I could tell they just wanted to do that themselves so I got on with other stuff even though I was dying to be involved with that! Doing this prop making I think has made me realise that I want to be more scenic art based, throughout the week I was dying to pick up a paintbrush to finish everything! Only in some circumstances do they get to put colour to the props, as in most cases the scenic artist who is doing the whole theatre show will want to do everything themselves as they can stick to their theme throughout.
London Fashion Week- Henry Holland
The whole of friday was creating these huge tall background flats for Henry Holland at LFW for the catwalk. We had the flats in the workshop, which were bright colours used for House of Holland before. For the London catwalk we had to make them big white ones with windows in. With 3 helpers we got the first flat onto the bench and I began sanding of the main bumps generally making it look better and smoother, I asked if I should use the belt sander but Russell said it was a rubberised surface so it would not get it off to be smooth. Whilst I was sanding all the flats with sandpaper Bec cut pieces of mdf for cladding on the side to make them stand up easier, so I helped her put them on with glue first holding it flush while she bradded it on. The skirting boards were also cut to length and I sanded those.
I began painting the flats white (white emulsion) with a roller, whilst Adam followed me round using a firmer roller to flatten the paint down as the rollers were quite fluffy creating texture we dont want. So I painted both flats, and the sides and left them to dry and put the heating on to dry quicker. I set up some tressles out the way so I could then paint the skirting boards white also. Adam sanded down the seperate windows and poly filled any gaps as they has some wear and tear. Then I proceeded to help paint these white with a paintbrush.
Two coats were done before lunch, then we had lunch at 12.30. During lunch we had to help move the 'Ghost' bed down to the floor for further painting.
I did a third coat on the flats as I think it needed it, I was worried some of the previous colours would show through on the catwalk. The same for the skirting boards, the windows were ok with one coat of white on.
Once everything was dry it took 3 of us to stand up the flat so that we could attach the windows in. We screwed nails in from behind and put 2 extra ones in as we were worried it might fall on the catwalk! We then had to bubble wrap the whole thing with no gaps and 3 layers as it was to be transported on the top of a car to LFW. We did the same to the other one and the were ready for transportation. With a quick tidy up and wash up of trays and rollers this took us tp 5 o clock and home time, a good first week feeling more confident about things and learning alot everyday.
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