Began by covering the pebbles (that were now fibre-glassed) for 'Shrek the musucal' with a dark paint that is sometimes called 'stage coat' as it is used a lot for its completely non-flammable quality. It's a dark gloopy consistency and we painted it on thick. I painted 6 pebbles and so did Debs and we left them to dry on little blocks of wood so they wouldnt dry on the table.
Then we had to give texture to the logs (now fibre-glassed) also for the campfire. By ripping strips of paper and folding them then glueing down we created a bark like texture, and left them to dry. The pva was mixed with a bit of water to make it easier for coveridge.
After lunch we had the large log at the campfire scene to make. So first we had to work out the dimensions, and realised it was a 1:13 scale. Russell wanted to use the scraps we had rather than cutting it out of 1 big piece, as it was roughly 1100mm long, with a diameter at the face of around 440mm, so quiter large. He first told us to do it by drawing out the circle face of the log and thickness and then cutting sections of the circle, then he came and changed it to drawing out the inner circle and making angles for the foam so we would build onto the inner wood bit to support. We had to remember, we wanted it roughly 20mm thickness, minus 3 mm off each all way round as layers of texture would be put on so changing the measurements. So most of the day was using the bandsaw (at angles) which we had to make 20 strips of thin foam which will make up the large log, which was very time consuming. I have set myself tasks for tomorrow as I think todays tasks took too long!
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