Day 1 Work Experience
Arrived at 8am to the studios. At first it was a lot of sorting out and cleaning up first. We had to dispose of hundreds of digital cameras that were used for an installation which seemed a waste as many were not even used. General sorting out and throwing out to clean up the studio. First task was to calculate (the dreaded) technical drawings that were sent over, plan views and elevations of a camp fire for a scene in Shrek the Musical. It took quite a while as we had to then work out each pebble size and log size (the length, width, and height) for the campfire after finding the scale. We measured out each of the dimensions onto foam and using the plan view of the pebbles, roughly marked the shapes onto the foam so I could cut it out on the bandsaw. I was introduced to using the hot wire today to cut foam which I hadn't used before, but got used to it using it multiple times. After all the pebbles and logs were cut out we carved and shaped them using a knife and stiff brush, then finishing off with sandpaper. The pebbles were then covered with tin foil by spraying glue adhesive onto the foil to protect them as tomorrow we are fibreglassing them. Each one was marked with a letter on the bottom so we can arrange them according to the technical drawings. Must remember my mask for fibreglassing tomorrow! <3
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